Audience Targeting Usage Distribution in Brazil

Statistics for websites using Audience Targeting technologies

Top In Audience Targeting Usage Distribution in Brazil
Technology Websites %
DemDex 799 66.97
Turn 171 14.33
cXense 47 3.94
Rich Relevance 42 3.52
AudienceRate 41 3.44
Dstillery 34 2.85
Viafoura 31 2.6
Sojern 20 1.68
RadiumOne 3 0.25
MyBuys 2 0.17
Grapeshot 1 0.08
NuggAd 1 0.08
HookLogic 1 0.08

1,193 Detections

of Audience Targeting in Brazil. Last updated 14th Nov 2024.

DemDex DemDex is currently the most popular technology in this category.
